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« San Ciprianu Marine Village Resort »
in Lecci de Porto Vecchio in southeastern Corsica
House with garden on the shore of the salt water lake
Beach 100 meters
Mooring possibility for small-draft boats (zodiac type),
jet-ski, canoe, sailboard or anything which floats,
Seasonal family resort enjoying a gently sloping beach Shopping facilities
Water sports
Beach restaurants
Boat, bike rentals
One-off events are organised by the Town Hall of Lecci-off events are organised by the Town Hall of Lecci

It is a privileged place.
The beach and the shops are in walking distance
with regards to the peacefulnees of all, the respect of the nature and the environment, not exceed 3 knots

baie de San Ciprianu étangs d'arrasu et îles San Ciprianu et îlot Cornuta
Site inscrit à l'Inventaire national du patrimoine naturel
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